History - Panis angelicus I

Dec 10, 2023 (vivatxtusrex)

Replaced quilisma on fourth note of 3rd incise of each verse to regular square note. Added numerical label to title as in Cantus Selecti, and second source from LU (1961).

"(c4) PA(dh'!iv)nis(h) an(hg)g\u00e9(h!iwj)li(ivHG)cus(h.) (,) fit(h) pa(f')nis(g) h\u00f3(g')mi(f)num;(e.) (;) \r\nDat(f') pa(g)nis(f!gwh) ca\u00e9(f')li(e)cus(d.) (,) fi(f)g\u00fa(d')ris(c) t\u00e9r(ef)mi(d)num :(d.) (:) \r\nO(h) res(i) mi(ji)r\u00e1(g')bi(h)lis!(g.) (,) man(ih)d\u00fa(i)cat(ji) D\u00f3(h')mi(g)num(h.) (;) \r\nPau(ixdh'!iv)per,(h') ser(g)vus,(fvED') et(e) h\u00fa(fg)mi(f)lis.(e.) (::) \r\n2. Te(dh'!iv) tri(h)na(hg) D\u00e9(h!iwj)i(ivHG)tas(h.) (,) \u00fa(h)na(f')que(g) p\u00f3(g')sci(f)mus :(e.) (;) \r\nSic(f') nos(g) tu(f!gwh) v\u00ed(f')si(e)ta,(d.) (,) sic(f)ut(d') te(c) c\u00f3(ef)li(d)mus;(d.) (:) \r\nPer(h) tu(i)as(ji) s\u00e9(g')mi(h)tas(g.) (,) duc(ih) nos(i) quo(ji) t\u00e9n(h')di(g)mus,(h.) (;) \r\nAd(ixdh'!iv) lu(h')cem(g) quam(fvED') in(e)h\u00e1(fg)bi(f)tas.(e.) (::) \r\nA(efe)men.(de..) (::)"

Panis angelicus I
